SQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
and (title_ru!='' and active=1)
order by zdorov_objects_to_pa' at line 7 at /home/vashezdo/public_html/page.php line 25
Array ( [code] => 1064 [message] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') and (title_ru!='' and active=1) order by zdorov_objects_to_pa' at line 7 [query] => Select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS zdorov_objects.id,zdorov_objects.time, title_ru as title, zdorov_objects.icon_sm, zdorov_objects.icon, zdorov_objects.icon_sm, short_descr_ru as short_descr, long_descr_ru as long_descr from zdorov_objects left join zdorov_objects_to_pages on zdorov_objects.id=zdorov_objects_to_pages.obj_id where () and (title_ru!='' and active=1) order by zdorov_objects_to_pages.rank LIMIT 0, 150 [context] => /home/vashezdo/public_html/page.php line 25 )